嵐YouTube公式が攻めに転じたか? Has the Arashi YouTube formula turned offense?
みんなびっくり、YouTubeの嵐公式チャンネルに“ARASHI BRAST IN HAWAII”から“A・RA・SHI”がアップされました。
Everyone was surprised. This is because the opening title “A・RA・SHI” has been uploaded from “ARASHI BRAST IN HAWAII” on the official Arashi channel on YouTube.
In the first place, it was Johnny’s first YouTube official channel that was extremely cautious about exposure on the Internet, so it was thought that it wasn’t just a promotional channel for a limited time, but something planned.
最初にYouTubeに公開されたのは、彼らのデビュー曲“A・RA・SHI”に加え、彼らの人気を決定づけた“Love So Sweet”と、メンバー同士の仲のよさが伺えるアップチューンのナンバー“Hapiness”。さらにリーダーの大野智が主演したドラマと同タイトルの“Monster”と、もう一作の大野の主演ドラマからの“truth”、以上のミュージックビデオ5作品。そして今回、このライブ映像の一部配信となったわけです。
First released on YouTube was their debut song “A・RA・SHI”, “Love So Sweet”, which determined their popularity, and the uptune number “Hapiness” where you can ask about the friendship between the members. ”. Furthermore, “Monster” with the same title as the drama starring leader Satoshi Ono and “truth” from the other drama starring Ono, and five music videos. And this time, this live video was partly distributed.
To date, Arashi has been one of the most popular artists in Japan, and many overseas fans have been there. However, since the suspension of activities until 2020 was announced, it may have started in earnest with a view to promoting the world.
嵐を聴いてほしい。見てほしい。必ず好きになる。 I want you to listen to Arashi. I want you to see it. I will definitely like it.
This is a video that shows how a French YouTuber is gradually being obsessed with the charm of Arashi. You can see that they are overwhelmed by their charm so that they can laugh.
Even if I don’t understand English alone, French is mixed. So I don’t know what you are saying. However, he was suspicious, but it is interesting that he gradually like it.
Japanese and other people who don’t know what he is saying will get an overview after reading this blog.
It is very detailed.

He fired “cute” in the next round.
Furthermore, learn the names of several members.
He learned nicknames and was excited.
Ohno-san! Nino!
The degree of excitement passes. He remembers “Matsujun”, but he does n’t say.
He has become a fan and is a bit irritated by Meisa Kuroki who dances in the audience.
And he completely fell into the swamp.
拡散しよう。世界を沼に引きずり込もう。 Let’s spread. Drag the world into the swamp.
In this way, Arashi’s music, appearance, and dance seem to be attractive to appeal overseas. Moreover, since overseas people have no prejudice in “Johnny’s”, I think it will be easier to understand.
After the opening of Arashi’s official YouTube channel, We began to ask the world about Johnny’s entertainment.
Dear fans, let’s spread the Arashi all over the world. Google Sensei will help you. Let’s spread the movement in Japan first. If you introduce the videos featured in this blog to everyone, I’m sure everyone will understand. In addition, there seem to be overseas Johnny’s fans on YouTube, so I think that you will be able to get involved with Google teacher as an intermediary. I don’t care about broken.
Then give him money to buy a new video!

This article was fully supported by Google Translate.
